
Olivia Staumbaugh, Reporter

During a Fourth of July cookout in 2007, junior Nicco Bersi fought for his life that a walnut cookie almost took, but with having his EpiPen in hand, his life was saved.

The price of the life-saving EpiPen has increased by more than 500% since 2009. This affects a huge community of people with allergies. With the EpiPen now priced at about $615, it is not very affordable for families without health insurance, which is about 33 million Americans. A big fraction of that are Americans with severe allergies. Roughly 15 million Americans have food allergies, not including all the other allergies.  

“I can’t help that I have allergies, and I think the price should be more affordable for families that deserve to be saved from their allergies,” said Bersi.

Bersi’s experience was life-changing according to him. Having his EpiPen on hand has saved his life more than once. For families on tight budgets, having kids with allergies can be tough, and the EpiPen company isn’t making that any easier.  This price increase will affect families throughout the United States.

“You can’t help it if you’re allergic, so the price shouldn’t be as high.” said junior Kinlee Nalley. Although she has never used her EpiPen, she feels very strongly that the price should not be lowered She would trust a generic brand because of the cheaper price.

“I don’t use mine as often, and it will have the same effect.” said Nalley.  

Consumers all over the United States are not very happy about the price raise, but the EpiPen company probably feels differently. In 2007, the company was making about $200,000 per year. As of today, they are a multi-billion dollar company.

However, there is a generic brand from Milan, and it is only half the price at $300. The price is cheaper, but still not very affordable. This generic brand is made of all the same ingredients and is still very effective. This would be the best choice for the 33million Americans without any health insurance. Studies show people are more likely to buy the EpiPen brand rather than the generic brand, because they are more likely to trust the name brand.

With the rise in the price of EpiPens, 15% more Americans will suffer. The EpiPen company is making people pay for something they cannot control, but their company is making more money for a higher production of EpiPens that can potentially save your life.