Karma is a god

When the new Taylor Swift album Midnights first came out on October 21, the 11th track didn’t stand much out to me. I thought the lyrics were cringy and had no meaning behind them, but after a few listens and some research that came through Youtube videos, it became one of my favorites on an album full of bangers.
I’ve spent months with a pool of resentment overtaking me. Sometimes I find it in me to forgive and forget while other times I can’t show the grace I wish I had. A lot of people have hurt me in my life, and I tend to spend all my energy trying to hurt them back instead of focusing on my relationships and friendships. I get overwhelmed with my anger for them and how much I got hurt by them, especially when I feel like they don’t have any sympathy for what they put me through.
Yet, music has always been the thing to save me from my strong emotions. An entire spectrum of music from Tim Mcgraw to Megan Thee Stallion empowers me to be the best version of myself and not let the actions, words, and thoughts of others get to me as much. Taylor Swift has been my biggest inspiration; not many artists write to the female experience like she does.
Recently, I’ve been stuck in a vicious cycle of letting someone that did me wrong affect the way I act and think. When I see this person, I become a person I don’t like because I am transported back to the hurt I felt for months and months. Karma is inspiring to me because it reminds me that he is the one who has to live with his actions while I am able to be happy with the person I am. I’m able to have amazing relationships with people and myself. I can look in the mirror and see someone who is trying her best while he has to look in the mirror and see someone who almost killed someone else’s soul. He has to come to terms with his manipulation and lies while I get to live as a person who tries her best to make people feel loved even when they don’t deserve it. Now, instead of seeking revenge against him, I let the universe and the darkest corners of his mind dish out to him what he deserves. Like Taylor Swift said, “Karma is a god.”