Griep lifts prior review of Har-Ber Media

Prior review are two words that put a bad taste in the mouth of any journalist or member of the media. These words hold such weight and an overbearing connotation in the world of mass media.

In the past year The Herald has had an ongoing battle with the foe to free press that is prior review.

The publication has been put through the ringer, momentarily being suspended, and then placed under a vague but harsh prior review policy.

Things are finally starting to look up for The Herald, as the oppressive form of prior review is something of the past.

Prior to the new school year, both our editor and adviser met with Dr. Paul Griep to discuss a new, less overbearing solution.

This new solution allows the student publications to work in unison with the administration instead of butting heads and creates a mutual feeling of cooperation expressed between all parties involved.

Now the administration is in the loop through the entire process and is invited to work in unison with the journalism program.

Administrators are invited to attend our brainstorm sessions, witness the process of picking and refining the leads for potential stories and articles.

Additionally, they are invited to visit with newspaper staff and editors, ask questions about what the stories will be about, but not in a way that restricts the creativity, expressions, or writing of the students in the program.

This new chapter of collaboration has already created a better environment within room C202. Previously an atmosphere of fear and suppression hovered over the staff as they waited for the approval from Dr. Griep before even pressing the “post” button on any of its social media accounts.

Now students are free to work and publish, create and learn without fear of censorship, knowing they will be able to print their work and see it published as they intended for it to be.

Cooperation between the administration and the newspaper staff creates an environment where everyone is happy.

A lack of communication can result in conflict and problems, so the collaboration has been welcomed by everyone involved.

The media program wishes to continue to move in a positive direction and begin a new era of collaboration and understanding with its higher level counterparts, welcoming this new precedent of reconciliation and cooperation.

While The Herald is inclined to work alongside with administration and face opposition together, we will stand firm in our commitment to protect the rights of student journalists and the protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.