Reina family runs deep in tradition

Reina twins lead Wildcats’ cross country team

Last weekend Reuben Reina lead the cross country team, winning first place. The Reina family is known for their fast running times. The Reina Twins, Gabby and Reuben, are now running for Har-Ber and they are thriving.

“I like to run because my family is very involved with it so naturally I’m involved,” Gabby Reina, sophomore, HBHS country cross runner, said. It was just the way she grew up.

“I carried it on,” Reuben Reina, sophomore, HBHS country cross runner, said.

His dad was a field and track star. He also ran 5000 meter for the United States in the summer of 1992. So naturally Rueben followed in his Dad’s footsteps.

“I don’t feel pressured into because I enjoy it,” Gabby said. She chooses to run. When she was little she remembers going to her sisters’ meets. They went to all of her senior year of high school meets.

“It just came naturally and I went with it,” Reuben said. Even though the whole family runs none of them are forced into them.

“I don’t remember being that nervous because I kinda knew I was the best,” Gabby said. Going into her first meet she wasn’t worried at all, as she prepares by running 7 days a week.

“Once a week I have a rest day,” Rueben said. The twins have different running routines.  

Gabby said she prefered short distances, but sometimes she like doing long. But Reuben said he likes long distance and runs 7-10 miles.

“Some days I like it and some days I don’t, it’s hot or I’m not feeling good,” Gabby said. Even when there is no motivation she still doesn’t take a rest day.

Gabby’s most proud times are 5:28 in a 1600, 2 miles 11:30 and 19:48 in a 5k. Rueben’s most proud times are one mile in 4:35, 2 miles in a 11:30 and a 5k in 16:21.

“I’m glad they are having fun doing it. Some of my best high school memories and friends came from running country cross,” Valerie Reina ,former Har-Ber student, older sister of Gabby and Reuben, said. Valerie ran for Har-Ber and the U of A.