Hear Us Roar

This year has been far from easy for us as a staff. With legislative disappointments, censorship, prior review, early deadlines, and all eyes on our staff, we have had to watch our every word with great caution; however, these actions that happened have not changed the fact that being able to spread reliable, accurate, and quality news was worth every hardship.

Whether it was while being interviewed by Buzzfeed or sitting in front of a computer designing for the deadline late at night, we as a staff have gained patience, honesty, and a heart of perfectionism over this past year. As journalists, we have grown, but as people, we have grown even more so.

With the ink of this final issue, our sweat and tears of the year are cemented into the ink, leaving a legacy for years to come. The staff of the 2018-2019 Herald, now closer than ever before, walk together chasing the truth.

We thank everyone who not only read but supported us through this year in all stages. When walking through the halls and being asked if we were on the staff and in return receiving a high five, it was easy to bring a smile our faces on days we need it most. Our teachers have been so supportive and understanding, something we are beyond grateful for.

We also wish to specifically thank our adviser, Mrs. Sprague, who has sacrificed so much for us this year. While standing and supporting us as a staff, she never backed down in the face of hardship. She has taught us to stand with audacity for the things we believe in while also knowing when is the right time to step away from a situation.

When looking back on this year, we say yes it was worth it. Despite the sleepless nights and the worry-filled newsroom at times, we wouldn’t change a thing, except maybe the policy.

Even if we didn’t get the policy change we hoped for, we gave a voice to those that felt that they don’t have one. We helped pave the way for kids to feel like what they have to say matters. That is worth it all.