Isaac Baker

Amanda Thattanakham, Business Manager

Junior Isaac Baker stands next to his fellow members of Lighthouse, taking a step back after having beat boxed throughout the impressive cover of Pentatonix’s “La La Latch” at the fall homecoming assembly.

“Lighthouse wanted a vocal percussionist, so I was asked to beatbox during  “La La Latch” and last year, I beatboxed for Pentatonix’s cover of ‘Rather Be’. It was an experience,” said Baker.

Baker’s many talents include playing various instruments as well as beatboxing, something he picked up in the eighth grade.

“I was in choir and we were listening to different types of music and then Pentatonix came on. I remember just being completely in awe of the harmonies, but I really liked the beatboxing. I knew I wanted to learn how to do that. That’s when I started,” said Baker.

Beatboxing, like any skill can be difficult to learn depending on the individual. Where some struggle to pick up the concept, Baker picked up beatboxing effortlessly.

“I learned how to beatbox just by listening to music, and picking up on the sounds and how to make them. There are certain aspects of beatboxing that can be difficult to pick up on, but there’s not a right way or a wrong way to beatbox, so no one can tell you ‘Hey, you’re doing that wrong’ so I guess it’s pretty easy. Over time, you just get more comfortable and it becomes your own,” said Baker.

Kit drums, snares, and hi hats are noises many beatboxers and Baker can recreate using their mouths and through beatboxing techniques.

“Boots and cats. You just have to start with the fundamentals, it really works. From there, you can experiment,” said Baker.

Baker serves as the backup vocalist and bassist for his band, Bearfoot. An album released is expected early December, however, it does not feature any of Baker’s beatboxing.

“There’s not much of a place for beatboxing in Bearfoot, but that is something we would explore. I just feel if you’re going to do instrumental music, stick with that. If you’re going to do acapella music, then you use your resources, that’s where you would integrate beatboxing,” said Baker.

With singing, beatboxing, and playing multiple instruments, it’s evident that Baker is involved and talented. Whether it be producing music with Bearfoot, or practicing with Lighthouse for their next performance, Baker stays busy.