Movies to look out for this fall

Artwork by Lydia Holt

Fantastic Mr. Fox

You don’t have to be a fan of claymation to like this movie. The perfect blend of every fall color, it’s a movie about a fox, no metaphors, just a fox and his fight against farms.

Little Women

This movie about four sisters and their life and struggles, with so many vibrant colors will make you feel so cozy, a little sad, and excited about the colder weather.

Remember the Titans

Remember the Titans is about a new coach of a football team and his battles to keep civility among the diverse players of the team. It is a great story of overcoming the barriers of race and finding unity through connection. This is a great fall movie because of course football season, and the great setting of the film.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

What it’s about: a young orphaned boy discovers he’s a wizard. He is sent to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry and plays a key role in the events that follow. This movie is perfect for fall because what is cozier than a big, magical school.

Goodwill Hunting

What its about: a troubled genius lacking direction and guidance is admitted to a therapist after an altercation with a police officer. He is led by the therapist to unlock his unknown potential.

The Corpse Bride

Another claymation classic about a young man arranged to be married, runs away into the forest and comes across a dead bride. This is a great movie for the month of October because it is spooky but not scary.

Silver Linings Playbook

This movie is about two people with bipolar disorder who find each other and have a beautifully complicated relationship with each other. This movie is on the fall movie list because the warm outfits and falling leaves have fall written all over them.

Knives Out

A spin on the movie “Clue” Knives Out is a perfect addition to your fall movie playlist because of its mystery and chilly setting. A group of people are all investigated for the murder of a very rich man. 

Dan in Real Life

This movie has the most fall scenery of all. With leaves, cabins, and cold weather, this movie about a single dad and his love struggles is a great movie to sit and drink coffee.


One of time’s greatest classics, this movie about a vampire and a mortal girl will give you all the mysterious fall feels.