Adidas vs. Nike

Will Crotts, Reporter

Junior Julia Pope gets ready for school and has her outfit down to the shoes. She lays out two pairs in front of herself; one pair of Adidas SuperStars, one pair of Nikes Roshes. Both are stylish and relevant in her mind and she hesitates before slipping the Superstars on and lacing up. Confident in her style for the day, she slips out the door, only to make the same decision the next morning.

For many students, Adidas is the answer if they’re thinking about looking fashionable. For students that want to be more athletic and comfortable, Nike is the answer. However, students agree that Adidas is simply more fashionable.

“I feel like Adidas is more fashionable and Nike is more athletic,” junior Julia Pope said.

A lot of students are swinging more towards Adidas recently. With the rise of the “Superstar” sneakers, it seems like nearly everyone has a pair. You can’t really go a day without seeing someone decked out in Adidas clothes.

While some students agree that Adidas is more fashionable, less agree that Adidas is a good sports brand. Students tend to stick to Nike for quality athletic clothing. Nearly 75% of students said Nike is their prefered choice, mostly citing Nike’s legacy as a large brand. Another commonly cited feature about Nike is their Jordan and Nike Air lines, which have been popular for years.

“Adidas is better because they’re more comfortable and they’re better for sports,” sophomore Madison Whisel said.

Despite the large amount of students saying Nike is better for athletics, Whisel said that Adidas is better for sports.

“Adidas is definitely better quality for sports like soccer,” Whisel said.

Adidas is largely known as the go-to-brand for soccer, but Nike is just as prominent in soccer, among other sports.

“Nike has flexible light shoes for running, and I really like the sleek and slim style,” sophomore Carson Branscum said.

Though Nike remains a go-to brand, Adidas is starting to rise up to their level. Students said that Adidas could soon be a staple, like Nike or Converse are.

“Adidas is definitely going to be a staple like Converse and Nike” Pope said.

As trends from the 80’s continue to reappear, we will see which brand pops up more, and if Nike will lose ground on Adidas.
“I feel good about it because the decades are coming back,” senior Serena McClarrinon said.

In the past year, Adidas’ stocks have nearly tripled, but Nike remains just as prominent in the market for athletic wear and casual fashion.