Technology in football

Kacie Young, Review Editor

On the sidelines, players huddle around a screen after making a play with their coaches while the game is still going on around them. In football, technology is used constantly, whether it’s during the game, during practice, or in free time.

Different programs are used at varying times. HUDL and Skycoach are the two programs consistently used throughout the season. HUDL is accessible from any device, allowing coaches to send film to the players’ accounts, and it’s useful for watching film at any time.

“The players have accounts so we can share film with them that they can watch on their phones or computers at home,” said Coach Robert Day.

Skycoach is used on the field, and it allows players to watch their previous plays in the game and make any necessary corrections while the game is still going on around them.  

“Being able to scout the team you’ll be playing days before we actually see them on the field gives us an advantage.” said senior Austin Henderson about HUDL.

One of the biggest benefits of the new technology for the players, according to Day, is that players have access to film at all times.

“They can study and prepare for games. But it also is a huge service for them in recruiting, and the quickness in which they can get their film to colleges and to more colleges than before,” said Day.

Recruitment requires players to send in film to the colleges they’re interested in, and having HUDL accounts make it much easier for players to send or share film over social media. Luke Hannon constantly shares his HUDL clips on twitter.

“I rarely share on social media, but I have a link to it [HUDL] in my bio for college coaches to see my highlights.” said senior Luke Hannon.

Devices such as iPads, cameras, computers, and monitors are all used in the process of collecting film, either for on-field use or studying purposes at home.

“From a coach’s standpoint, [technology] saves a tremendous amount of time. We no longer have to wait for film to be developed or dubbed. Getting film to other schools and colleges is much easier and quicker. It allows us to be much more efficient in preparation,” said Day.

Though technology is constantly changing and has some disadvantages, such as not being able to use it during rainy games, it’s a big help in correcting and preparing players in game and out of game, and is a great tool in recruitment.